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October 2 - October 23, 2019

City of Portland-Bureau of Development Services Feed


Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

  • Stephanie Yao Long's avatar
    Stephanie Yao Long 10/23/2019 10:52 AM
    It's interesting how my relationship with fast food has changed. I used to make a stop at a coffee shop several times a week. But in the last month I made the resolution to only buy coffee if I had my own reusable container and only if I desperately needed a pick-me-up and wasn't near my stash at home or work (needs v. wants). I can say I've made one coffee shop purchase in the last month. This saves me money as well as so many paper cups and plastic lids from going to the landfill. Win-win. 
    Simplicity De-Clutter My Home
    How can you prevent yourself from accumulating more things in the future?

    Priscilla Partch's avatar
    Priscilla Partch 10/23/2019 8:58 AM
    I think clutter coincides with impulse buying and emotional state. So just as in all things taking a moment to consider my actions before accumulating items will be helpful.

  • Peter Maris's avatar
    Peter Maris 10/23/2019 8:53 AM
    Connected two rain barrels this past weekend!  And filled the third for earthquake preparedness.  Water collection has begun!
    Health Take Control
    How do environmental health, community health, and your personal health intersect?

    Kate Green's avatar
    Kate Green 10/23/2019 7:48 AM
    My health is contingent upon the health of the natural environment (water, air, soil) and the well-being of my community members (connected, supported, safe), so it only makes sense to nurture all those intersecting elements. 

    I have been inspired and invigorated by you, my fellow EcoChallengers, and all the care you share to make this world beautiful. 

    Health Healthy Sleep
    Consider how many hours of sleep you get now. How would you like to shift your sleep patterns? What are you finding works for you to be successful in this action?

    Henderson Lokita's avatar
    Henderson Lokita 10/22/2019 6:29 PM
    I've always been a night owl which makes it hard for me to get up in the morning.  Im always in a mad rush to get out the gather all the things we need for the day and get out the door on time. I've noticed that the last couple of days going to bed just 30 minutes earlier has made a difference in my demeanor, which my daughter loves) and how early I've been able to get going. 
    High Impact Action Track Reduce Single-Use Disposables
    Bringing your own bags and containers to the grocery store, and even to restaurants for leftovers, are a couple of ways to reduce your waste. What single-use items (e.g. straws, coffee cups, vegetable bags, plastic bags) do you regularly use? What could be substituted instead?

    Adrien Pacheco's avatar
    Adrien Pacheco 10/22/2019 3:49 PM
    I used to only drink bottled water now i carry a cup and drink tap
    Food Zero-Waste Cooking
    In North America, up to 65% of food waste happens at the consumer level. Chef Steven Satterfield advocates for utilizing every part of a vegetable. How can you incorporate using an entire vegetable, including the skins, tops, and stalks during your next meal prep?

    Adrien Pacheco's avatar
    Adrien Pacheco 10/22/2019 3:48 PM
    I could make blended drinks with left overs on veggies
    Food Choose Organic Ingredients
    It is often said that “you can’t feed the world with just organic food.” What is your response to that statement?

    Adrien Pacheco's avatar
    Adrien Pacheco 10/22/2019 3:48 PM
    I think it is a lie … more of a matter of how to do so ...
    Food Reduce Animal Products
    Why do people in richer countries eat more meat than people in other places? How does eating more meat affect our planet and other people?

    Adrien Pacheco's avatar
    Adrien Pacheco 10/22/2019 3:47 PM
    People eat more because social gathering usually involve food and people with more money can afford that more often???
    Energy Choose LED Bulbs
    Changing lightbulbs is an excellent first step toward energy efficiency! In what other ways can you exercise your civic duty to protect the environment and reduce carbon emissions?

    Adrien Pacheco's avatar
    Adrien Pacheco 10/22/2019 3:46 PM
    I could start biking to work.