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October 2 - October 23, 2019

Period 4 Western Civs II Feed


Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

    Simplicity Needs Vs. Wants
    How is creativity necessary for practicing simplicity?

    Emma Durning's avatar
    Emma Durning 10/11/2019 8:10 AM
    Simplicity needs creativity as creativity allows one to think about ways to avoid negative impacts on the earth.
    Water Install a Toilet Tank Bank
    Name some of the human activities impacting the health of water systems, both locally (your watershed) and globally (freshwater and oceans). What can you do to improve the health of water systems?

    Emma Durning's avatar
    Emma Durning 10/11/2019 8:01 AM
    Oil mining and dumping chemicals in water damage global water systems. Local water systems are damaged by chemical runoff from farm fields. This can be prevented by using organic alternatives to pesticides and holding big companies responsible for their water pollution
    Health Audit Toxic Cleaning Products in my Home
    To what extent do you believe that environmental factors contribute to your own health or issues with health?

    Tabi Gilbert's avatar
    Tabi Gilbert 10/06/2019 7:45 AM
    I think that the more toxic chemicals we use the more health issues can be expected 
    Community Help Others
    In your opinion, how do social inequalities diminish a strong sense of community?

    Tabi Gilbert's avatar
    Tabi Gilbert 10/04/2019 4:30 PM
    I would say that social inequality diminishes communities because it can lead to  feelings of hatred.

  • Tabi Gilbert's avatar
    Tabi Gilbert 10/04/2019 7:57 AM
    I  am a boss at completing my challenges.
    Simplicity Limit Social Media
    Social media can keep us connected with loved ones, make us laugh, and help us to learn new things. It can also take more time than we realize or intend to give. After doing this action for a few days, how do you feel? What do you notice?

    Emma Durning's avatar
    Emma Durning 10/04/2019 7:43 AM
    I felt less tired because the only reason that I have less reported screen time on my screen time app is because I keep falling asleep.
    Simplicity Disconnect from Email
    Notice how much time you were spending checking email away from work and make note of that. Now that you have stepped away from it and have not been checking, what changes are you noticing in your thoughts, use of time, stress and energy levels?

    Emma Durning's avatar
    Emma Durning 10/04/2019 7:34 AM
    I'm much more stressed thinking about what my emails say and what colleges are sending me. But that's me being a stressed disaster.
    Health More Fruits and Veggies
    How does eating more fruits and vegetables and less meat positively affect yourself, other people, and our planet?

    Emma Durning's avatar
    Emma Durning 10/03/2019 7:51 AM
    Eating meat requires more energy while produce is much better for the environment as it doesn't always require the machinery that meat requires. In addition,  produce requires less resources to grow.
    Waste Choose Two-Sided Printing
    Choosing two-sided printing can be an easy adjustment on your computer settings. How can you help others make this same switch? Can it be encouraged company wide?

    Tabi Gilbert's avatar
    Tabi Gilbert 10/03/2019 7:48 AM
    I can pressure others to print two sided so that they can save paper also. I can write a reminder near the printer.
    Health Happiness
    How does/can practicing gratitude keep you centered and motivated to work for a better world?

    Tabi Gilbert's avatar
    Tabi Gilbert 10/03/2019 7:43 AM
    I feel happy when I think about things that make me happy.