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October 2 - October 23, 2019

BWL Green Guardians Feed


Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

    Food Zero-Waste Cooking
    In North America, up to 65% of food waste happens at the consumer level. Chef Steven Satterfield advocates for utilizing every part of a vegetable. How can you incorporate using an entire vegetable, including the skins, tops, and stalks during your next meal prep?

    Philippe Gallagher's avatar
    Philippe Gallagher 10/24/2019 1:12 PM
    Yes, in fact, my family usually uses the entire vegetable, skins and all. My sister is an excellent cook, and for the last 6 months, since she moved back from California, she cooks most all of our evening meals. She makes the most delicious veggies! I love the fried potato she makes. I remember my mom telling me when I was a child to "eat the potato skins"! She would explain that that is where all of the vitamins are. I was such a picky eater that I refused to listen. But, now, I will eat most anything which allows me to try food that I usually do not eat, like skins!

  • Rob Sieczkiewicz's avatar
    Rob Sieczkiewicz 10/23/2019 4:04 AM
    We did it! Congratulations, Green Guardians.

  • Rob Sieczkiewicz's avatar
    Rob Sieczkiewicz 10/22/2019 3:37 AM
    Two days left. Let's go, Green Guardians!
    Health Go get a check up
    How do you practice self care?

    Alexandrea Glenn's avatar
    Alexandrea Glenn 10/21/2019 8:58 AM
    I focus a lot on feeling at peace. Doing things like going to the doctor means I'm not anxious that something important is missed.
    Energy Power Down the Computer
    What are other easy things you could do to save energy and reduce your environmental footprint?

    Alexandrea Glenn's avatar
    Alexandrea Glenn 10/21/2019 8:57 AM
    I can make sure that my heat is at the lowest setting possible and unplug things when they aren't in use.

  • Rob Sieczkiewicz's avatar
    Rob Sieczkiewicz 10/21/2019 6:46 AM
    I've been seeing a lot of stories arguing for an international carbon tax after the recent IMF recommendation on this. This article from The Guardian offers an interesting counter-argument:
    Nature Go for a Daily Walk
    How do you experience your neighborhood or city differently when walking instead of driving?

    Rob Sieczkiewicz's avatar
    Rob Sieczkiewicz 10/21/2019 3:51 AM
    During the challenge I've been more aware of the changing seasons when I walk than when I drive. 

  • Philippe Gallagher's avatar
    Philippe Gallagher 10/16/2019 6:41 AM
    My challenge to become more friendly to the environment is going amazingly. I am learning so many other ways to help keep our planet healthy. Even though I would have considered myself eco friendly before starting this challenge, I am now aware of my other responsibilities. And even though I knew of these tasks before starting this challenge, like planting trees, washing in cold water, clothes that is (bath water is much cooler too), etc., having them put in the forefront of my mind is extremely helpful. The thought of doing my part to keep our planet green is never far from my thoughts.
    Simplicity Needs Vs. Wants
    How is creativity necessary for practicing simplicity?

    Rob Sieczkiewicz's avatar
    Rob Sieczkiewicz 10/15/2019 9:56 AM
    It's easy to just default to buying something from Amazon. Sometimes you have to be creative to figure out a way to find something locally.

  • Alexandrea Glenn's avatar
    Alexandrea Glenn 10/15/2019 8:43 AM
    Have you checked in today? I've been enjoying practicing gratitude. I've been contacting friends and family with loving messages and it makes us both feel great. It's something we all could practice better.