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October 2 - October 23, 2019
Kristine Van Dellen's avatar

Kristine Van Dellen

DocSvc Mayo Clinic


  • 0 TODAY
  • 407 TOTAL

participant impact

  • UP TO
    spent learning

Kristine's actions



I will write down three things every day that I am grateful for, or send one email every day thanking or praising someone.


High Impact Action Track

Learn About Local Environmental Justice Concerns


I will spend 120 minutes researching environmental justice concerns in my region, their causes, and local initiatives to address these concerns.


Participant Feed

Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

  • Kristine Van Dellen's avatar
    Kristine Van Dellen 10/23/2019 6:02 AM
    The EcoChallenge has made me aware of how much I care about these issues, about change for the better, and how much good each of us can do daily.  Every action is not recorded here, but I'm more mindful of every action taken.  Thank you, EcoChallenge!

  • Kristine Van Dellen's avatar
    Kristine Van Dellen 10/21/2019 7:02 AM

    Rochester could use one of these!  Fascinating article about Canada's first 'chemical-free' swimming pool.

  • Kristine Van Dellen's avatar
    Kristine Van Dellen 10/17/2019 7:31 AM
    I'm not usually all that interested in TV, but Netflix is my favorite companion to see me through mundane tasks.  "The Game Changers" documentary (produced by Arnold Schwarzenegger and Jackie Chan) was so riveting that my laundry remains unfolded.  The summary on YouTube says, "A UFC fighter learns everything he'd been taught about protein was a lie."  My first thought was "What's a UFC fighter?"  The subject is largely how athletic performance is based upon diet.  They quote an ancient description of Roman gladiators, "bean and barley munchers."  Seriously?  The premise is that plants provide power, and they interview many world-class athletes and scientists who support this view.  I didn't spot any Mayo doctors, but medicos supporting Olympic teams, cardiac patients, and football teams are interviewed.  The accompanying website points out that not everyone has to be 100% vegan 24/7, but it encourages making vegan choices more often than not, good for your body and for the planet.  Fascinating.

  • Kristine Van Dellen's avatar
    Kristine Van Dellen 10/04/2019 2:28 PM
    Hey Team DocSvc, how's the EcoChallenge going for you?  I'm finding that step No. 1 for me is to remember log in to the EcoChallenge each morning and later to record actions taken.  I've got some room for improvement there.  June and I are so happy to see how well our team is doing.  Your Dashboard page in the EcoChallenge has a "How's Your Challenge Going" text box.  It would be great to hear from everyone, whether it's your progress, new ideas, challenges, questions, wishes.  Please post!