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October 2 - October 23, 2019
Isabella Ramirez's avatar

Isabella Ramirez


"My name is Isabella , and I am a student at PCC, home of the panthers! By being a part of this challenge means I'm trying to improve my habits, and change my impacton the world bit by bit. "


  • 0 TODAY
  • 419 TOTAL

participant impact

  • UP TO
    community event
    hosted or attended
  • UP TO
    with people
  • UP TO
  • UP TO
  • UP TO
    not traveled by car
  • UP TO
    spent learning
  • UP TO
    being mindful
  • UP TO
    pounds of CO2
    have been saved
  • UP TO

Isabella's actions


Choose Clean/Renewable Energy

I will sign up for my utility company's clean/renewable energy option.


High Impact Action Track

Research Impact Investing


Using the links provided below, I will research impact investing and deterimine if it is right for me.



Visit a Waste Management Facility

I will spend at least 60 minutes visiting a local dump/transfer station, material recovery facility, and/or landfill to learn about the waste stream.



Join An Outdoor Project

I will join an outdoor restoration project in my community.



Eat Mindfully

I will eat all of my meals without distractions, e.g., phone, computer, TV, or newspaper.



Support Public Transportation

I will make 2 phone call(s) and/or send 2 emails each day to public officials to advocate for a more comprehensive public transportation system in my region.


High Impact Action Track

Talk To My Friends and Colleagues


I will research the social or environmental issues in my community that matter to me and tell 2 friends and/or colleagues each day about what I learn.


High Impact Action Track

Plant Trees


I will plant 6 tree(s) in my community, public parks, or backyard.



Watch a Documentary about Food Sovereignty

I will watch 1 documentary(ies) about food sovereignty: the right of local peoples to control their own food systems including markets, ecological resources, food cultures and production methods.



Needs Vs. Wants

I will adopt a "Needs Vs. Wants" approach and only buy things I need.



Drive Less

I will cut my car trip mileage by only taking necessary trips.


Create Your Own Action

VOlunteer Opportunity

Volunteer in the community each week, minimum 2 hours. I didn't find an option for volunteer work, and being a participant in community action is important and keeps the individuals safe, secure, and connected


Participant Feed

Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

    Simplicity Needs Vs. Wants
    How is creativity necessary for practicing simplicity?

    Isabella Ramirez's avatar
    Isabella Ramirez 10/23/2019 2:49 PM
    insofar I have stayed the same, spending only what I need, but am still working towards more local organic food within bugetting and buying only necessities or long-term-use items. The more I rely on family or secondhand stores for my purchases of products the more it makes me realize that there is so much opportunity to learn from collaborative consumption and that some wants or commodity product are unnecessary.

  • Isabella Ramirez's avatar
    Isabella Ramirez 10/23/2019 2:45 PM
    So far in the weeks that i have been participating, I have volunteered for two hours or more every week, by volunteering with Reclaimit! or portland parks and recreation. 
    High Impact Action Track Plant Trees
    How is planting trees good for your mental, physical, and spiritual health?

    Isabella Ramirez's avatar
    Isabella Ramirez 10/23/2019 2:39 PM
    Planting trees makes me feel connected with my natural environment, makes me feel stronger within my community and relieves a lot of stress being outdoors as i focus on one task instead of a myriad of others in an enclosed space. 

  • Isabella Ramirez's avatar
    Isabella Ramirez 10/11/2019 1:39 PM
    To anyone who has free time this SATURDAY, 10/12!! Don’t have plans? Well guess what it’s Arbor Day, so hug a tree, appreciate your natural environment, or maybe come with me to plant some trees!!! Starts @ 10, lmk if you need a ride, but if anyone is interested I would love to get to know people in my community!
    Energy Choose Clean/Renewable Energy
    How might you be able to get others involved in advocating for the shift to clean energy?

    Isabella Ramirez's avatar
    Isabella Ramirez 10/11/2019 1:33 PM
    So today I was looking into ways I can make more of an impact and saw a renewable energy option... looked into my utility and energy provider and saw that they do carry options fort renewable energy. I discussed with my partner ways we can cut back on electricity usage this winter, and enrolled in a payment option that donates a portion of our payment to the Oregon wildlife and fresh-water habitats through The Freshwater Trust. Always try to find other alternatives!

  • Isabella Ramirez's avatar
    Isabella Ramirez 10/11/2019 12:32 PM
    As of 10/11 I went to PCC Cascade, to participate with other volunteers at the learning garden! I got to meet some new people, and even made conversation about environmental issues today, and tried to brainstorm some solutions on how i can act progressively with instructors. There was talk of even starting a club, so as long as we have enough members, we can focus on learning about indigenous and native agricultural practices and how to forage within our own communities with organic garden as what ties our club together! Had a fun day and really enjoyed connecting with people, networking, and serving people and my city!

  • Isabella Ramirez's avatar
    Isabella Ramirez 10/09/2019 11:41 PM
    Evening, y’all! Hope today has been good, reviewing and trying to get assignments in on time! As I was coming home from class, I noticed the bus was going to take longer than usual, and me being a type of person that doesn’t wait for the fruit to fall, decided that I would rather just walk. It still took the same amount of time to get home if I had waited for the bus, in hindsight. While I was on my walk through a beautiful residential area that burnside street cut through, I noticed a large amount of trash scattered around the grass. Being I had time I started picking it up, from Starbucks and Dairy Queen cups to Taco Bell boxes, sanitation wipes, cigarettes, and much more to pieces of appliances, clothes, and tables as I continued. It’s sad to see this is common, and that for the most part the contents themselves shows the impression that fast food and disposable products leave on people. That for the most part they lose the idea that these things are low cost means they are of low value, it can be picked up quick and disposed quick. Because they don’t think of the consequences of what they’re consuming, using, and putting into their bodies, many people don’t care to consider the consequences of throwing it out with negligence, because they won’t expect to stay long enough in that area or in the world to see what happens to it or how it impacts the environment. I can say for sure, those plastics and boxes weren’t going anywhere, nor had they decomposed. People in their cars and in the world are too caught up in getting to the destination, than enjoying the ride for what it is. Somewhat taking from a quote that I will find later but it derives meaning from philosophy and the psychology of people today, who have mental health issues, anxiety, attention issues etc. etc. People can’t live in the moment living on a constant feed that leaves their consciousness reeling and can’t stand life for what it is and kill themselves looking for that ultimate high, because they’ve been been raised in a boxed-perception and world-view where all they know is lows. Love yourself and the world for what it is, and the capacities that can be carried within that. The world is finite, but the ways that anti-Malthusiasts consider that humans are the greatest resource because of the ability to find solutions, so where are we now, and how can we solve this dilemma?

  • Isabella Ramirez's avatar
    Isabella Ramirez 10/07/2019 9:05 PM
    Made sure to dig up all of my old environmental science notes and starting my studying for the week so I don't fall behind. Earlier I watched a documentary regarding food sovereignty in Europe, called the Nyeleni food sovereignty movement. As it did teach me about the conditions of peasants and small scale rural farmers, I would like to learn more about the issue. During class I was able to discuss with two classmates about single-use plastics and the complications of recycling and the unsustainable practices we are employing today.  

  • Isabella Ramirez's avatar
    Isabella Ramirez 10/06/2019 12:53 PM
    Good Afternoon! As of today I plan on spending a large portion outside, enjoying and valuing the outdoors and recreational nature reserve within my neighborhood! Me and my partner will be taking public transportation and staying off our screens for as long as possible! Get out and enjoy the fresh air! I had no idea I wasn't signed up for Soc 228 EcoChallenge but I have been participating in another another from the start! Hope y'all give me a warm welcome and we can participate in some activities or volunteer opportunities in the near future. 

  • Isabella Ramirez's avatar
    Isabella Ramirez 10/05/2019 4:19 PM
    Post for today~ I volunteered with youth this morning in the Parkrose neighborhood, to plant 32 trees on the Roseway Parkway urban plot by part of Portland Parks and Recreation! So fun and great for our environment and community even if it isn’t in my neighborhood, yet! I’m so glad to see kids within my generation working to better our planet and adding more lovely trees to Portland. 💪🏼✊🏼 Go Panthers Leading the Path for Our Future~