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October 2 - October 23, 2019
Mindy Brooks's avatar

Mindy Brooks

All Other City Staff


  • 0 TODAY
  • 270 TOTAL

participant impact

  • UP TO
    disposable cups
    not sent to the landfill
  • UP TO
    plastic bottles
    not sent to the landfill
  • UP TO
    plastic straws
    not sent to the landfill
  • UP TO
    waste composted

Mindy's actions


Use Reusable Bags

I will not accept any disposable bags when making purchases.



Skip the Straw

Plastic bags and small plastic pieces like straws are most likely to get swept into our waterways. I will keep 1 plastic straw(s) out of the landfill and ocean each day by refusing straws or using my own glass/metal straw.



Compost Food Waste

I will avoid sending up to .69 lbs (.31 kg) of food waste to the landfill each day by composting my food or learning how to.



Use a Reusable Mug

I will avoid sending 3 disposable cup(s) to the landfill each day by using a reusable mug.



Use a Reusable Water Bottle

I will keep 2 disposable plastic bottle(s) from entering the waste stream by using a reusable water bottle.


Create Your Own Action

Nothing New!

I'm going to purchase nothing new during the Month of october (not including food, toiletries). No new clothes, household items, books, yard equipment, etc. if i need something i will purchase used goods.


Participant Feed

Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

    Waste Use a Reusable Water Bottle
    While water bottles are needed for health and safety in certain places, we can do more to reduce the unnecessary use of them. What are the barriers to you using reusable bottles and tap water instead of bottled water? How could you make this a permanent habit?

    Mindy Brooks's avatar
    Mindy Brooks 10/07/2019 9:51 AM
    I still feel badly because my water bottle needs lots of washing to keep it clean and fresh. I'd like to know more about how much water I'm saving over the disposable water bottle.

    • Sadie Silkie's avatar
      Sadie Silkie 10/09/2019 9:57 AM
      I wash mine as soon as it starts to smell - I try to remember to wash it before it smells ;-) Personally, I don't worry to much about the water needed to wash it, because not only does it take less water to clean it than to make a new bottle, it also uses less materials and energy. Check out this webpage -

      For me, the important thing is reducing the waste:

      "More than just PET (plastic) goes into making the bottle. It takes 3.4 megajoules (MJ) of energy to produce one bottle, which is just under a kilowatt of energy (1 kW=3.6 MJ). The source of this energy is often oil, a fossil fuel that produces greenhouse gases when burned. Fossil fuels and GHGs are a whole other issue worth discussing, but to keep it short and sweet, they damage our ozone, cause ocean acidification and yes, intensify climate change. Water bottle production uses about 17 million barrels of oil each year, which is enough oil to fuel 1 million cars for a year. Don’t forget about the energy it takes to power the production factory, run the machinery, package the bottles, ship the bottles to consumers, run the stores that sell the bottles, and even recycle them. It takes 22 gallons of water to produce one pound of plastic, and double the amount of water found in a standard 500 mL bottle. "

    • Pam Neild's avatar
      Pam Neild 10/09/2019 8:43 AM
      It's a good question. Truth be told, I only wash mine once a week at most. I haven't been any more or less sick since switching. 
    Waste Use a Reusable Mug
    Maybe you've heard how good it is to switch from a single use coffee cup to a reusable one, but it's just hard to make the switch. What stands in your way of making this a habit? By identifying the challenges, you can begin to work through them to have better success in taking this action. Knowing the difference you are making, how does it make you feel?

    Mindy Brooks's avatar
    Mindy Brooks 10/07/2019 9:51 AM
    I love using a reusable cup!

    • Haley Tortorella's avatar
      Haley Tortorella 10/09/2019 9:49 AM
      Me too! I find that the prettier the reusable is, the more likely I am to use it. 
    Waste Use Reusable Bags
    What do you do if you find yourself in the situation of needing a bag for items but don't have a reusable one with you? Carry things out in your hands? In a cart? Accept a disposable one? If you find yourself in this position often, what system could you put in place to try to create a successful habit of not using plastic bags?

    Mindy Brooks's avatar
    Mindy Brooks 10/07/2019 9:50 AM
    I will carry item in the cart to my car
    Waste Compost Food Waste
    New to composting? Be sure to check out the action resource links to learn tips and more about it. As you transition from throwing food away to composting, what do you notice about how much you are tossing? How will you use your compost once it is ready?

    Mindy Brooks's avatar
    Mindy Brooks 10/07/2019 9:50 AM
    Compost to garden next spring.
    Waste Skip the Straw
    How could you incorporate other "R's" -- reduce, reuse, refuse, repair, repurpose, etc. -- into your lifestyle?

    Mindy Brooks's avatar
    Mindy Brooks 10/07/2019 9:49 AM
    I got a bamboo straw and carry it in my purse.