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October 2 - October 23, 2019

Tree Huggers2019 Feed


Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

    Health Healthy Sleep
    Consider how many hours of sleep you get now. How would you like to shift your sleep patterns? What are you finding works for you to be successful in this action?

    Cathleen McGrevey's avatar
    Cathleen McGrevey 10/11/2019 8:01 AM
    Getting and staying asleep is my challenge.  Shutting of phones and other sourses of blue light one hour before bed may help.  Getting to bed at the same time each night is also something I'm trying.  Waking each more at the same time is already something I practice.

  • Cathleen McGrevey's avatar
    Cathleen McGrevey 10/08/2019 11:56 AM
    Some activites and events are getting easier with practice!
    Health Eliminate Toxic Plastics
    What single-use items (e.g. straws, coffee cups, vegetable bags, plastic bags) do you regularly use? What could be substituted instead?

    Cathleen McGrevey's avatar
    Cathleen McGrevey 10/05/2019 7:54 AM
    Plastic water bottles were an easy grab for me and during this Eco Challenge I am taking the time to use my metallic water bottle.  It's a habit I wish to continue all year through. 
    High Impact Action Track Talk To My Friends and Colleagues
    What makes you feel connected to your neighborhood, your neighbors, or another kind of community in your life?

    Cathleen McGrevey's avatar
    Cathleen McGrevey 10/05/2019 7:52 AM
    I feel most connected to my neighbors when meeting them out and about, leaving home and getting outside where interactions can occur.  Even with local community events, one needs to schedule the time, put aside other time takers, and be present at the event.  Excited for pumpkin harvest festivals etc.
    Health Reduce refined sugar
    Before you started this challenge, did you think you were 'addicted' to sugar? How do you feel now?

    Cathleen McGrevey's avatar
    Cathleen McGrevey 10/04/2019 10:56 AM
    Sugar and simple carbohydrates really get my appetite going, so choosing nuts or veggies and humus seem to help me feel energized  without a crash.
    Health Happiness
    How does/can practicing gratitude keep you centered and motivated to work for a better world?

    Cathleen McGrevey's avatar
    Cathleen McGrevey 10/04/2019 10:54 AM
    Gratitude and appreciation sets my mindfulness for a much happier day.  Motivation for any tasks is heightened when I am clear about what I appreciate about the completion of the task.