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October 2 - October 23, 2019



Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

  • Savanna Jones's avatar
    Savanna Jones 10/23/2019 2:05 PM
    I can't believe this is the last day!!!

    • Jacqui McGrath's avatar
      Jacqui McGrath 10/25/2019 6:26 AM
      I miss the challenge check ins...looking forward to the next one :)
      Thanks for being our team rock star!!
    Simplicity Less Screen Time
    What did you notice in implementing this challenge? Was it hard to choose other activities over screen time? How did you decide to spend your time?

    Gillian Turner's avatar
    Gillian Turner 10/23/2019 9:20 AM
    I chose to replace screen time with listening to audiobooks and found that it wasn't too difficult. I am enjoying re-listening to the Harry Potter audiobooks! Instead of sitting still in front of a screen, I was able to walk around doing chores and cooking while still being entertained. 
    Transportation Car Share
    Take a moment to think of places you frequent often (work, grocery store, natural areas). Could you choose one or two days a week to schedule driving with a friend, neighbor or co-worker to these places?

    Savanna Jones's avatar
    Savanna Jones 10/22/2019 11:40 AM
    Unfortunately, I do not live in a place where there is a great opportunity for car-pooling. However, I do live in the heart of downtown Beaverton, so I am able to walk to A LOT of places. Walking is so much better in so many ways, and I also love that you don't' get stuck in traffic. I also always try and do my errands in clumps instead of going back and forth all of the time. 
    Health Know My health
    How do you deal with the physical and emotional stress of the big problems we face? How can you help others cope?

    Savanna Jones's avatar
    Savanna Jones 10/22/2019 11:38 AM
    It can be so overwhelming to think of the "big" problem on a large scale. Therefore, I tend to just try and focus on the "small" things that I can actually address. It is too much to think of all of the problems facing this planet, our country, our city, or even just me. So, I try and just think of the things that I can do to make a difference and then focus on them one at a time. 

  • Savanna Jones's avatar
    Savanna Jones 10/22/2019 11:31 AM
    I can't believe the eco-challenge is almost over!!! It has been so much fun!!!

  • Jacqui McGrath's avatar
    Jacqui McGrath 10/22/2019 11:08 AM
    This Ecochallenge has been so nourishing to my spirit. I'd like to share a photo of some avocado trees in the making that were inspired by the challenge.  Isn't it amazing that each seed has the potential to become a tree? I'm watching in awe as these five seeds start a journey that may last a century! It makes me feel so good to know that these trees will provide shade and nutrition for lots of people in the years ahead.
    Waste Carry my Trash
    What one thing could you do right away to reduce your waste?

    Dorene Petersen's avatar
    Dorene Petersen 10/22/2019 10:20 AM
    I did this yesterday and my compostables were the worst as I do carry them from my home to the office compost recycling. My home area has not green bin recycling so I have reached out to the Homeowners to see if we can get that initiated here,
    Health Support Pollution Reduction
    What environmental factors affect human health in your region, and how do they affect it?

    Dorene Petersen's avatar
    Dorene Petersen 10/22/2019 10:18 AM
    I completed this task by  researching  Portland (local) water and air  issues.  I reviewed the Department of Environment Quality report on water which the city must deliver to the Federal government every two years. The report is here the main issues continue to be temperature, dissolved oxygen, and E. coli. 

    I also looked at air quality and found that the Portland-Vancouver-Salem area is now the 23rd most polluted area in the U.S for short-term particle pollution.

    • Savanna Jones's avatar
      Savanna Jones 10/22/2019 11:32 AM
      Wow! I knew that the air around here had gotten worse, but I had no idea just how bad it had gotten! The huge wildfires have definitely not helped out!
    High Impact Action Track Zero-Waste Cooking
    In North America, up to 65% of food waste happens at the consumer level. Chef Steven Satterfield advocates for utilizing every part of a vegetable. How can you incorporate using an entire vegetable, including the skins, tops, and stalks during your next meal prep?

    Jacqui McGrath's avatar
    Jacqui McGrath 10/22/2019 4:06 AM
    I incorporate most edibleparts of the veggies I buy into food prep. For instance, I put the entire apple into smoothies and chop the broccoli stem up to add to stir fries. I often add "leftover" parts like carrot tops and ugly bits of celery to a slow cooker to make a big pot of broth (usually with leftover parts of a roasted chicken). In the end, I feel good about throwing our organic waste into the compost pile as it gets recycled into amazing soil. 

  • Jacqui McGrath's avatar
    Jacqui McGrath 10/21/2019 12:07 PM
    This "Collective Trauma Online Summit" includes an emphasis on the interconnectedness of individual, societal and environmental suffering: Several talks address the climate crisis directly. There will be 'free' replays Oct 22 thru 24th for anyone interested in checking out innovative ideas for healing the earth and humanity.