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October 2 - October 23, 2019
Melanie Lulue's avatar

Melanie Lulue


"Be kind to Mother Earth!"


  • 0 TODAY
  • 1,035 TOTAL

participant impact

  • UP TO
    advocacy action
  • UP TO
    gallons of water
    have been saved
  • UP TO
  • UP TO
    spent exercising
  • UP TO
    spent learning
  • UP TO
    spent outdoors
  • UP TO
    plastic straws
    not sent to the landfill
  • UP TO
    food waste prevented
  • UP TO
    pounds of CO2
    have been saved
  • UP TO
    zero-waste meals

Melanie's actions

High Impact Action Track

Research Impact Investing


Using the links provided below, I will research impact investing and deterimine if it is right for me.



Support Local Pollinators

At least 30% of crops and 90% of flowering plants rely on pollinators to produce fruit. I will spend 10 minutes researching which plants support local native pollinators and plant some in my yard.



Learn More about Food Deserts

I will spend 10 minutes learning about food deserts and find out how I can advocate for healthy and fresh food in my region.



Go for a Daily Walk

I will take a 10-minute walk outside each day.



Skip the Straw

Plastic bags and small plastic pieces like straws are most likely to get swept into our waterways. I will keep 1 plastic straw(s) out of the landfill and ocean each day by refusing straws or using my own glass/metal straw.



Exercise Daily

Exercise is a great stress blaster! I will exercise for 10 minute(s) each day.



Volunteer in my Community

I will volunteer 6 hour(s) in my community during the challenge.




I will write down three things every day that I am grateful for, or send one email every day thanking or praising someone.


High Impact Action Track

Learn About Local Environmental Justice Concerns


I will spend 15 minutes researching environmental justice concerns in my region, their causes, and local initiatives to address these concerns.


High Impact Action Track

Zero-Waste Cooking


I will cook 1 meal(s) with zero-waste each day


Participant Feed

Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

    High Impact Action Track Research Impact Investing
    How might impact investing help you better live your values?

    Melanie Lulue's avatar
    Melanie Lulue 10/23/2019 11:26 AM
    I guess the better question is what does impact investing mean to me? I plan to only invest or work with companies that have a true belief in sustainability. Do they walk the walk or just talk the talk?  What is their actual proof of sustainability?  We must all change our way of thinking and work towards better care of our environment.  Our office does recycling and many of the businesses downtown practice it too.  However, the Mayor, who is a big fan of recycling and sustainability doesn't enforce it for all companies to practice recycling. I know we have companies here in Florida and other states that actually recycle products and they aren't shipped overseas, but not everyone is aware of this. As with anything education is key and the media is notorious for only telling part of the story.  When was the last time you researched recycling centers (not transfer stations) near you? Recycling is only part of sustainability, but it is a big part with all the waste going to landfills or worse into the ocean and our drinking water. The city I live in did have recycling of a few items and enhanced it last October to almost all recyclable items, only to cancel it completely in February.  I now collect the items to take it to the closest transfer station, but i researched it first to see if the products would be shipped or recycled locally. We really need everyone onboard with recycling, and not just individuals, but companies to make reusable items with recycling. Are you doing your part and do you practice impact investing?  Do you only support companies that practice sustainability?  If we all work towards impact investing then those companies that don't practice sustainability will have to get onboard or move along! Think about it!

  • Melanie Lulue's avatar
    Melanie Lulue 10/23/2019 8:53 AM
    Today is the last day of the challenge!  What have you learned?  Will you continue with the actions beyond today?  What has been your favorite action?  I have learned WSP has people that truly cares about the environment and making a difference. I will continue with my daily actions of no plastic straws, less plastic waste, zero-waste meals, and remembering the little things and occasionally writing about them because we should always be grateful! I have two favorite sayings - Don't Sweat the Small Stuff and Positive Thoughts Bring Positive Results!  Life is too short and release the negativity so you can feel better about things and shine light on others! Have an awesome day and journey!  See you in the next challenge!

  • Melanie Lulue's avatar
    Melanie Lulue 10/22/2019 5:55 AM
    We're down to the wire with the challenge ending tomorrow night!  How are you doing?  Are you checking in every day?  Have you done any High Impact Actions?  If not, check them out because they have a heavier point value.  Together, we can make a difference!  Have an awesome day everyone!

  • Melanie Lulue's avatar
    Melanie Lulue 10/21/2019 11:20 AM
    Today's post for Happiness (3 grateful items): People's EcoChallenge Day 22:  Okay, so while I'm grateful for many things, I'm running out of ideas to post so here are 3 that will hopefully make you laugh/smile, and you agree, but are just too afraid to admit: 1. 7-11 convenience stores - for many years we didn't have any downtown and now there are 3 within a 10 minute walk with one almost at our backdoor; 2. grocery store apps - awesome to use for making a grocery list and most of them tell you where the item is in the store (aisle number); 3. Coworkers that participate in company-wide challenges - I'm in 5th place with 277 team members! #EcoChallenge #grateful  Little things really do mean a lot and thank you to all who are participating in this challenge and continue to participate every time one becomes available.  Together we can make a difference! 
    High Impact Action Track Learn About Local Environmental Justice Concerns
    Who is most affected by environmental degration and/or environmental irresponsiblity in your community? How are they affected?

    Melanie Lulue's avatar
    Melanie Lulue 10/21/2019 11:09 AM
    I believe those most affected by environmental degration and/or environmental irresponsibility are the homeless population living in downtown Orlando. Most of them get little to no relief to the outside elements which also subjects them to large amounts of air pollution. I've seen the homeless sleeping in church doorways and under overpasses and they are constantly breathing in emissions from vehicles. Many of them are also barefoot and their skin can absorb pollutants in the soil. Homelessness is a huge factor everywhere, but is more prevalent in large cities and Orlando has their share. 

    • Meghan Jones's avatar
      Meghan Jones 10/21/2019 11:28 AM
      Wow, I hadn't thought about how people without homes are affected by environmental degradation. Thank you for the powerful insight!

  • Melanie Lulue's avatar
    Melanie Lulue 10/18/2019 6:24 AM
    How do you give back to your community? I will be volunteering tomorrow at a wildlife festival with a charity that represents our Florida native wildlife and how to connect, respect, and coexist with them. We have so much progress that our wildlife is struggling to stay in their habitat since humans keep infringing on it. We teach how to coexist instead of panicking and having the animal removed or worse. They aren't out to hurt us, but they will defend themselves if they feel threatened. They want a peaceful life just like we do! Florida has an amazing wildlife population and we still have beautiful places to enjoy them. Do you get out and enjoy nature? It's awesome therapy and it will revive your soul! Have an awesome Friday everyone! 
    Nature Support Local Pollinators
    Why is it important to take care of pollinators?

    Melanie Lulue's avatar
    Melanie Lulue 10/17/2019 5:54 AM
    Pollinators are vital for the food we eat and the trees needed for fresh air. Planting pollinator friendly plants will provide them food and allow them to help humans too.
    Community Volunteer in my Community
    What is one thing you can do to help your community become more sustainable?

    Melanie Lulue's avatar
    Melanie Lulue 10/14/2019 10:11 AM
    Promote recycling and composting - Makes for less trash and natural fertilizer and chemical free!
    Waste Skip the Straw
    How could you incorporate other "R's" -- reduce, reuse, refuse, repair, repurpose, etc. -- into your lifestyle?

    Melanie Lulue's avatar
    Melanie Lulue 10/14/2019 10:10 AM
    I collect the plastic bags from Walmart and take them back for them to recycle.  I also take any others I may get from shopping since not everyone is using the reusable bags and Walmart will recycle all of them.

  • Melanie Lulue's avatar
    Melanie Lulue 10/14/2019 7:00 AM
    Good morning wonderful people and happy new week!  I hope everyone enjoyed the weekend and had some me time!  I am a big nature lover and we have a wildlife drive near the Orlando office I've gone to a few times.  We went this past Saturday and I managed to capture this gorgeous eagle.  I thought I saw him off in the distance, but then I heard him and looked up and there he was!  So amazing!  I hope you had an amazing moment this past weekend too!  We need them to get through the crazy times and keep us grounded!  We are on day 13 and just over a week to go!  Are you checking off your actions?  Let's do this!